The holiday season is filled with fun, parties, food, gifts, overeating and unfortunately some risk. One of the fasted growing risks for many people are stolen packages by porch pirates. According to proopertycasualtiy360, over 26 million packages are stolen during the holiday season. Need more bad news?
Your homeowners or renter’s insurance generally may not cover this loss as it tends to be under your deductible. There could be coverage if you have personal property off premises insurance. Also for theft coverage to apply generally, you need proof of loss by a broker indoor, etc.
Call our office for a review of your homeowner’s insurance, as each policy is unique to your circumstances.
Things To Do
• Delivery confirmation is a good way to prove the package was delivered.
• Thieves will follow delivery trucks, waiting for the perfect target.
• These thieves commonly strike during working hours as many homes are empty at that time.
• You can insure your packages.
• Consider having a person there when the delivery is scheduled.
• Install a security camera.
What To Do If A Package Is Stolen
• Track your package. Check the delivery confirmation and tracking number.
• Make sure a neighbor did not pick it up for you.
• Contact the seller. Different retailers have different policies and processes for handling stolen items, but usually, you are entitled to a refund or a replacement item.
• File a claim with the shipping company.
• Check your Credit Cards for Purchase Protection.
Call our office for a review of your homeowner’s insurance, as each policy is unique to your circumstances. We are happy to help you through your claim and help you determine the best course of action.
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Posted Tuesday, November 02 2021 10:29 AM