Football season is in full swing and the holidays are just around the corner. Now is a great time to think about how you will manage your health to insure you stay healthy through the holidays. We offer three ways (healthy eating, exercise, and proper supplements) to help you maintain your weight and health. As always, remember to consult your physician before starting any new exercise or diet plan.
Healthy Eating Strategies
According to the National Institutes of Health, holiday eating can result in an extra pound or two every year. Over a lifetime, holiday weight gain can really add up. The holidays don't have to mean weight gain. “Doesn't the first bite always taste the best? When looking at brain chemicals signaling "pleasure," scientists have found that we receive less pleasure the more we eat of a food. So rather than feeling like you must eat a full serving of every dessert at a holiday meal, take a bite or two and receive 90 percent of the pleasure at 10 percent of the calories.” Kim Mueller, M.S., R.D.
· Make a plan on what you will eat. It is ok to eat something sweet but make allowances for it.
· Do not skip meals.
· Drink lots of water.
· Always add vegetables to your plate at parties.
· Eat slowly; savor each bite.
· It may be good to eat something before you go to the party, so you are not starved when you get there.
· Be careful with beverages. Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and induce overeating.
· Stay away from certain foods; gravy, candy, or anything with sugar.
· If you eat out, stay away from fast food.
Holiday Exercise Strategies
The holidays are filled with disruption. Try to keep your exercise schedule. If you don’t make time to take care of yourself, no one else will. It may be best to schedule time early in the morning or during lunch. The most important thing is to make time for it and be committed to getting it done, even if you do not think you have the time available. One study from Appalachian State University showed that a vigorous morning cycling workout helped average people burn an extra 190 calories over the ensuing 14 hours—on top of the 500 calories they burned during the workout.
· Walk every day.
· Involve other family members in your workout.
· Park your car far away from where you are shopping.
· Speed-walk around the mall 5 times before you begin your shopping.
· Some hospitals offer walking clubs, with walks scheduled at convenient times during the day. These walking clubs provide a friendly environment as well as a supervised area for exercise.