A Homeowners Insurance Update
Your homeowners insurance covers many different kinds of risks including vandalism caused by trick-or-treaters. Now may be a good time to have a free home insurance review.
In the next few days, we will be watching children scramble from house to house in search of the elusive Halloween treat. However, keeping our kids safe as they are active on Halloween night is always a concern. A little pre-planning can prevent unfortunate accidents that could turn out to be tragic. Remember, your homeowner’s insurance will cover you in most cases should someone trip and fall on your premises.
Here are some pointers for ensuring your house is a safe place for trick-or-treaters on Oct. 31.
- Consider providing healthy treats for trick-or-treaters such as low-calorie treats and drinks. For your guests, offer a variety of fruits and vegetables.
- Be sure walking areas and stairs are well-lit and free of obstacles that could cause someone to fall.
- Keep candle-lit jack o'lanterns and luminaries away from doorsteps, walkways, landings, and curtains. Place them on sturdy tables, keep them out of the reach of pets and small children, and never leave them unattended.
- Remind drivers to watch out for trick-or-treaters and to drive safely.
Safety Tips for Kids
· Never, ever, go into a house.
· Costumes should be short enough to prevent children from tripping and falling.
· An adult or an older responsible child should always accompany young children. Even older children should go trick-or-treating with an adult, or in a group. Never go out alone.
· Only go to homes with a porch light on.
· Plan costumes that are bright and reflective.
· Do not eat homemade food.
· Examine all candy. If it has been opened, toss it out.
· Use a flashlight.
Safety Tips for Motorists
- Watch for children walking on roadways, medians, and curbs.
- Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
- Turn your lights on.
- At twilight and later in the evening, watch for children in dark clothing.
Sources: http://www.nsc.org/, https://www.aap.org, https://www.cdc.gov
Posted Saturday, October 22 2022 10:13 AM
Tags : personal insurance, auto insurance, rental cars insurance